Francesco Caliva – Progress Report 3

MATLAB Handle GraphicsDue to image artefacts, the result of the blood vessels’ segmentation is a set of disconnected short segments. During this three months reporting period, I worked on the problem of connecting them. At this aim, an algorithm was implemented.

Given a group consisting of a certain number of segments, there can be connected together in several ways: two segments can join each other and form a bridge; three segments can generate a bifurcation; or they can just be terminals.

At this stage, the connections rely on the use of implicit cost functions.

Besides, an user friendly Matlab tool was designed. Thanks to this tool, it is possible to adjust the results obtained using the previously mentioned cost functions. The tool includes also a fast altorithm for the segmentation of missing blood vessels.

The tool, which in part was developed with ESR 1.1 during his secondment at the University of Lincoln, is currently being tested by ESR 1.2.


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