ESR 4.1 Daniele Cortinovis

FotoTesssera Daniele

Daniele Cortinovis

Home country: Germany
Host institution: Orobix Srl
Advisor: Dr Luca Antiga
Email Address:


Research interests:

I’ve always been very keen in science and technology, willing to understand how the nature works at the deepest level. That’s why I started to study Physics, and especially particle physics. Then, I was fascinated about how the technology employed for physics experiments can be of great help for medicine. So I started a great adventure: in the last years I’ve been involved in a project aimed to combine different medical imaging techniques in a novel multimodal tool, which hopefully will help in cancer treatment. Very recently I started a new challenge within the REVAMMAD project, aiming to improve the retinal imaging by exploiting the latest computing technologies.”

Curriculum vitae: CV_DanieleCortinovis_ENG_October15


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