Orobix Srl


Luca Antiga, PhD
Orobix Srl, Bergamo, Italy
Co-founder and Principal Scientist

Orobix Srl

7 Employees, agile startup environment. R&D provider for companies and research institutions worldwide. Extensive track record in medical image analysis and biomedical simulation research.

Image analysis, Numerical simulation, Visualization, Data analysis, Software engineering.

High performance computing, cloud computing, object-oriented and functional programming, parallel programming, polyglot persistence, web technologies.

Project: ESR 4.1 A data warehouse for retinal imaging storage, algorithm evaluation and data mining.

The research project is focused on the development of a data warehouse for retinal imaging data encompassing centralized automated retinal image analysis (ARIA) and computational simulation, algorithm benchmarking/evaluation/validation and data mining. A comparative algorithm evaluation framework and metrics aimed at benchmarking and comparing ARIA and simulation algorithms in the context of their clinical application will be developed, integrating clinical outcomes in the evaluation criteria. New methods for improving the prediction of clinical outcome through pooling of results from multiple ARIA and simulation methodologies will be developed. A data mining framework for the extraction of matching clinical histories based on image-based similarity criteria will be developed. The data warehouse will be made available as a web-based system early in the project and will be targeted towards use in research and clinical environments.< ./p>

Operatively, the project will leverage on state of the art technology in image analysis and numerical simulation, database systems, cloud computing and web-based systems. The project will require the development novel methodological approaches and their implementation. Being carried out primarily within a technological SME, the technological aspects of the project will be subject of particular focus along with the methodological ones. The project will require a continuous interaction with other REVAMMAD partners for integration of ARIA, simulation and clinical data within the data warehouse.

Direct collaborators: University Lincoln, which will provide enrolment in the PhD programme and will co-supervise the candidate.

Major 5 Publications

Caroli A, Antiga L, Conti S, Sonzogni A, Fasolini G, Ondei P, Perico N, Remuzzi G, Remuzzi A. Intermediate volume at CT imaging defines a fibrotic compartment that predicts GFR decline in ADPKD patients. American Journal of Pathology, 179(2):619-27, 2011.

Piccinelli M, Bacigaluppi S, Boccardi E, Ene-Iordache B, Remuzzi A, Veneziani A, Antiga L. Geometry of the ICA and recurrent patterns in location, orientation and rupture status of lateral aneurysms: an image-based computational study. Neurosurgery, 68(5):1270-85, 2011.

Perico N, Antiga L, Caroli A, Ruggenenti P, Fasolini G, Cafaro M, Ondei P, Rubis N, Diadei O, Gherardi G, Prandini S, Panozo A, Bravo RF, Carminati S, De Leon FR, Gaspari F, Cortinovis M, Motterlini N, Ene-Iordache B, Remuzzi A and Remuzzi G. Sirolimus therapy to halt the progression of Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease: The SIRENA study. JASN, 21(6):1031-1040, 2010.

Piccinelli M, Veneziani A, Steinman DA, Remuzzi A and Antiga L. A framework for geometric analysis of vascular structures: application to cerebral aneurysms. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 28(8): 1141-55, 2009.

Antiga L, Ene-Iordache B and Remuzzi A. Computational geometry for patient-specific reconstruction and meshing of blood vessels from MR and CT angiography. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 22(5): 674-684, May 2003.


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